Foods to eat and avoid during period

Periods are an integral part of women’s life. It can also be referred to as a menstrual cycle in medical terms. Your menstrual cycle plays a vital role in your health. Most women experience symptoms of bloating, fatigue, cramps, headache, digestive problems, and mood swings before and during their menstrual cycle. One of the best ways to prevent and treat these symptoms is via a healthy diet, which can also aid general health and overall well-being.

Foods to eat and avoid during period

Here are some of the woman tips during periods.

Include this in your diet


Green vegetables are rich in calcium, magnesium, and potassium, and relieve and help prevent menstrual pains. These minerals can help ease tensions and relax you. Green vegetables also help with irritability and contain high quantities of vitamin K, which is needed to prevent excessive bleeding and clot the blood.


During periods your oldies always provide woman tips which include staying hydrated. Water retention is one of the main causes of congestive symptoms like cramps, which cause sharp pains. One of the best ways to reduce water retention, though it might seem contradictory, is to drink enough water. If a woman doesn’t drink enough, her body has to compensate for the deficiency by retaining additional water.


Yogurt contains live cultures and active bacteria which promote healthy digestion. Yogurt is also a good source of calcium and consuming twice the average amount of calcium that women take in every day (1300 milligrams, instead of 600) appears to relieve menstrual discomfort. All the sources of woman tips include yogurt in them as an alternative of some leafy vegetables and non-vegetarian foods.

Whole grains

A study carried out by British doctors showed that eating small amounts of carbohydrates every three hours and before bed can help combat premenstrual syndrome in 70% of women. Grains also provide us with a lot of magnesium, which reduces neuromuscular tension. Whole grains also contain B complex vitamins and vitamin E, which helps reduce fatigue and depression.

Green Tea

Tea is another source of manganese, although women should avoid the caffeinated version, which can actually lead to greater menstrual discomfort. Though Ginger tea and peppermint tea may be helpful in relieving nausea and bloating, and chamomile tea also contains properties that relieve muscle spasms and reduce the tension that can lead to anxiety and irritability.

Fresh fruits

Fruits are the natural source of carbohydrates and vitamins. You can opt-out fruits like bananas, apple, oranges, watermelon and many more. Bananas are rich in vitamin B6, magnesium and potassium, which can reduce water retention and bloating while also keeping you, ahem, regular. Women who consume larger amounts of calcium and vitamin D experience less intense PMS symptoms. Oranges are one of them.

Avoid these foods


Avoid caffeine and products like chocolate, sodas, tea, and coffee during the menstrual cycle. Caffeine narrows the blood vessels and dehydrates the body, which can cause headaches and may increase anxiety during your period. Caffeine is always absent in intake of woman tips during periods as well during pregnancy.

Processed foods

You must strictly avoid processed foods in your meals. Reducing how much sodium you consume can help with water retention and bloating. It´s best to avoid canned foods, processed foods, like cold meats and cheeses, soy sauce, etc., and any packaged food that contains 200 mg or more sodium per portion. So, avoid dominos and MacDonald’s during periods.


Refined sugar increases and then blocks the amount of sugar in the blood, making us lethargic and grumpy. Avoid eating too much sugar. Try to eat fewer pastries, sweets, cereals at breakfast time and white flour, all of which your body quickly turns into sugar. Try to eat small, regular meals during the day, instead of three large meals, and you´ll have more balanced blood sugar levels, and better moods. In your tea or coffee decrease a spoon or two of sugar for healthy periods

Fried Food

Fried food is heavy contents of oily and fatty acids. Fatty foods like meat, whole dairy products, fried foods, and oils increase Estrogen levels. All types of fat, from both animal and vegetable, increase Estrogen levels. Maintaining stable Estrogen levels means that the changes in the uterus aren’t as dramatic, reducing cramps and pain.

Salty and Sour food

As salt is sodium chloride and consuming the sodium during periods is one of the unhealthy habits. Salty and sour foods containing high amounts of sodium: pickle, canned food, chips, snacks, salted popcorn, Asian food made with sauces. You should also use a pinch of salt instead of half a spoon in your food.

Foods High in Fat

High-fat foods have a strong influence on hormonal activity in your body, according to Physicians. Hormone changes during the menstrual cycle are linked to symptoms such as bloating and breast tenderness. On the other hand, consuming a diet low in saturated fats helps reduce excess estrogen levels. Avoid foods such as fatty cuts of beef, whole-milk dairy products, sausages, and burgers. Focus instead on fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, fish and lean cuts of poultry.

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