Minerals have always been important for the body. One such mineral is Magnesium. Magnesium a mandatory element in the body and is a co-factor in more than 300 enzymes that regulate the manifold biochemical reaction in the body, including protein synthesis, muscle, and nerve function, blood glucose control, and systematize blood pressure.
It contributes to the structural development of bone and is required for the synthesis of DNA, RNA, and the anti-toxicant glutathione. Magnesium also plays a role in the active transport of calcium and potassium ions across cells of the body, which is a process that is important for nerve impulse conduction, muscle contraction, and normal heart rhythm. Magnesium is a calming mineral that fosters the nervous system and helps prevent anxiety, fear, nervousness, restlessness, and irritability.
This mineral does help in nerve function throughout the body, it is vitally important for synchronizing the activity of the heart muscle and the nerves that incite the heartbeat.
If one’s magnesium level is low, they are likely to be at risk for arrhythmia (irregular heartbeats) and heart palpitations. Healthy adult human bodies must contain about 24 grams of Magnesium.
Magnesium plays a vital role in various physiologic processes and therefore it is an integral component in a healthy diet. Magnesium can be absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract (gut), and it could absorb more when the internal content is lower.
It also successfully appears to facilitate calcium absorption in the body; No adverse effects have been associated with the intake or consumption of magnesium as a naturally occurring substance. Studies have seriously emphasized the importance of magnesium almost equally to the adequate amounts of various Vitamins and Minerals in our daily diet.
Multiple research studies conducted suggested that calcium supplemented with magnesium improves bone mineral density. Magnesium deficiency prevents calcium metabolism and the hormones that regulate calcium, resulting in osteoporosis. Intake of recommended levels of magnesium is important because it averts osteoporosis.
Further important benefits of magnesium are that it is associated with removing the risk of coronary heart diseases. Dietary surveys and studies have suggested that an ample amount of magnesium intake and consumption may reduce the chance of having a stroke.
Magnesium defalcation increases the risk of serious heart rhythms, which increases the chances of the risk of complexity after a heart attack.
Magnesium also benefits in the treatment of migraines, insomnia, and symptoms of depression. It also successfully cures severe forms of psychiatric dysfunctions including panic attacks, stress, anxiety, and undue agitations. Magnesium supplements considerably reduce the severity of such attacks and may also help in reducing the rate of recurrence.
Magnesium functions as a regulator of electrolyte balance, metabolism, and other biochemical reactions. Unlike prescribed drugs, this mineral is recognized as an important component of the body and not a foreign element.
When it is consumed in ample quantity, magnesium is actually conserved and restored by the body for future use. Medications and body drugs, on the other hand, are likely to treat only one symptom or disease and are flushed and discarded out of the body as toxins, thus taxing the liver and the body’s detoxification systems.
Magnesium is well acquainted with the bio link of the brain and neurons. Various studies have proved that an ample amount of magnesium intake helps to fight depression as well anxiety. They have also proved that people with regular consumption of magnesium experienced a rapid recovery. Experts have concluded that magnesium is one of the essential and safe minerals which helps in easy recovery of heart disease, treatment of migraines, anxiety, and depression and is vitally needed for well-the functioning of the human body.