Author Archives: Rajen

About Rajen

Software Engineer by profession and foodie by interest, constantly needed to accomplish something identified with food. Expounding about recipes, then there are great many web site and web journals for it already, then officially zeroed in on #DietFoodTip and that's how it is born and established; though thousand blogs their for this too, but whats better then provoke others live Healthy Life.

7 Best Places for Yoga Teacher Training In the World

Embarking upon the journey of becoming a yoga practitioner or a serious yoga teacher with advanced skills and knowledge of this science, calls for several factors that contribute to a successful expedition. From selecting the right location, ambiance, and yoga style to selecting the right yoga school and place, every factor plays an important role.… Read More »

Healthy Tips for Diabetes, Blood Pressure, and antidepressants during pregnancy

Do you have diabetes or high blood pressure during pregnancy and are worried about your baby’s health? You do not have to worry anymore. Even if you have diabetes or high blood pressure, you can still have a healthy pregnancy. We have some crucial tips on having a safe pregnancy and healthy babies. #1 Diabetes… Read More »

17 Pregnancy Tips to Avoid Miscarriage

Miscarriage affects approximately 15% of pregnant women. Most early pregnancy losses are provoked by random chromosomal abnormalities, with defective heredity responsible for up to 70% of all pregnancies lost before 20 weeks. Miscarriage risk increases with age, adiposity, and chronic health issues like diabetes, specific thyroid abnormalities, and hypertension. While these are beyond your control,… Read More »

Know the truth about Gestational Diabetes

Motherhood is both a wonderful and a challenging experience. The body goes through many physical and hormonally changes when it starts to nurture for two, making it a little challenging to navigate. When you start having problems breaking down sugars, this is one of the metabolic shifts women frequently experience during pregnancy. It can cause… Read More »

Top 6 Iron Supplements For Kids

Low iron levels are the most common cause of slow growth in children. Around 5 billion people around the globe are suffering from iron deficiency and in which kids and women are more vulnerable. There are a plethora of reasons for low iron status like genetic disorder, loss of blood due to accident, poor nutrition,… Read More »

Protein: Everything You Need To Know About This Essential Building Block

You’ve probably heard about protein. It’s a fundamental part of every diet, and protein products are sold around the globe. Walk into a local supermarket and you’ll find hundreds of foods, powders, drinks, and more designed to help add protein into your diet. In fact, there are so many products on the market that the… Read More »

50 Diet Tips for Eating Healthy at Parties Worried about holiday weight gain !!! ... Follow our healthy holiday eating tips and enjoy your holiday parties

Being a social animal on the planet earth we always indulge in the social activities with people around us. Either they are fellow mates, family or the professional clients. Talking with professional it is found that we always encounter ourselves in the parties either that are for the business or social gathering. There we face… Read More »

Indoor Fitness Workout Ideas People often tend to skip the workout session, so here are some quick tips which you can follow and workout inside your home.

Winter season tend to bring mood swings which may tempt you to overeat and avoid exercise, and getting out of the blanket just to exercise becomes a task. As the temperature continues to fall in this holiday season, it is important to take into consideration your workout seriously and not just ignore it. So here… Read More »

17 Diet Tips to Weight loss Ah, Weight loss, everybody is concerned about this but still they cannot avoid those junk foods. No problem, adapt this good tips to keep your weight in control.

As it is rightly said that, “Junk food satisfies you for a minute but being fit satisfies you for life.” When in the process of losing weight, there’ll be a number of people ranging from your relatives, friends to your colleagues having vast and divergent views on weight loss diet tips. But does any of… Read More »

How to Use Chia Seeds for Weight Loss There are many options but one of the most interesting ones is chia seeds weight loss.

Obesity has become the problem of most of the individuals and everyone is trying to fight against it and live a healthy life. By healthy we don’t mean a body with no fats but a body with good metabolism and correct BMI (body mass index). With today’s fast moving life it’s tough to exercise on… Read More »

Bad Cholesterol vs. Good Cholesterol Difference between good and bad cholesterol. Cholesterol itself cannot circulate in our bloodstream. It needs helpers or carriers called Lipoproteins.

Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like oily substance that is found in the cells of our body. Other than what our body produces, some amount of cholesterol is also found in the food we consume. Our body makes enough cholesterol to produce cell membrane, hormones, vitamin D and Bile acid that helps in the digestion. Due… Read More »