Adverse Effects Associated with Protein Intake above the Recommended Dietary Allowance for Adults

Our body needs different elements like Protein, Vitamins Carbohydrates, etc. which should be in ample proportion. Protein consists of 20% of total weight. Each and everybody structure, functions, regulation, body cells, tissues, etc. need protein for their growth and regular working.

health due to less intake of protein

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Protein cannot be stored in your body so the intake of protein in your daily diet is necessary for the regular working of the body tissues. Due to less protein intake, the functioning of the body slows down as Protein contains amino acids and our DNA are made up of that. There are numerous diseases and defects that are caused due to low intake of protein in our daily meals like:

a) Due to less intake of protein, the muscle mass starts to shrink which leads to physical weakness, this problem is mainly seen in the bodies of older people as the protein intake is low in their case. The disease named Marasmus is caused due to this deficiency which shows symptoms like fatigue, weight loss, etc.

b) Due to lack of protein, the immune system gets weak and so different viruses and bacteria enter into your body which affects your blood cells.

c) Less Protein leads to digestion problems as there are certain minerals that can be digested with the help of protein only.

d) Due to less intake of protein children develop a disease named Kwashiorkor which leads to liver enlargement, abdomen swelling, tooth loss, hair loss, etc. even their mental development comes to a stop.

e) Protein deficiency if stays for a long time then that would cause depression, mood swings, anxiety, etc.

f) Constant craving is also observed among the people who have protein deficiency.

g) Blood sugar changes are also observed which eventually leads to Diabetes.

According to USDA the intake of Protein should be for an average weighing man it should be 56 grams per day and for average weighing women it should sum up to 46 grams per day.

Thus intake of protein is a must for a healthy life, so below are the sources from where one can get a good amount of protein

A) For Vegetarian People the intake of Protein can be through:

  • All types of beans and legumes like Lentils, adzuki beans, mung beans, soya beans, etc. provide good nutrition of Protein to the body
  • Spinach, kale, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, and mushrooms are the main sources of Protein.
  • Nuts like almond, chia, and hemp also constitute a greater amount of protein.
  • Unprocessed oats are also a good source.
  • Milk and dairy products like yogurt and cheese have a good amount of protein in it.

B) For Non-Vegetarian Persons the sources of Protein can be:

  • Eggs which is the most protein-rich diet.
  • Seafood is also counted as a good protein source
  • White Meat Poultry provides lean protein.
  • Pork is versatile white meat which is a source of lean protein
  • Lean beef is also counted as a source of Protein.

Protein intake is good if taken in the proper amount. It should neither be lower nor be higher. As it is rightly said that if anything was taken in excess it would turn as poison, the same thing happens if Protein is taken in a higher amount. Due to higher intake, the Diseases or defects that occur are Osteoporosis, cancer, and impaired kidney function, heart disease, etc.

So Protein is good till it is taken in the right quantity.

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About Rajen

Software Engineer by profession and foodie by interest, constantly needed to accomplish something identified with food. Expounding about recipes, then there are great many web site and web journals for it already, then officially zeroed in on #DietFoodTip and that's how it is born and established; though thousand blogs their for this too, but whats better then provoke others live Healthy Life.

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